Employment Services
Find your ideal job or settle into your new community with YMCA services
Customer Service Charter – Our Commitment to you:
The YMCA of Northeastern Ontario’s Employment Services and Immigrant Services is highly committed to you and to our community. When working with our team and with our services, you can expect:
- A confidential, timely, reliable, individualized and accessible service
- You will work with knowledgeable professionals who are courteous and approachable, who offer a multilingual service
- A connection to a myriad of services within the association, to help better support you on your journey
Suggestion Box: Your input makes us better!
We encourage your feedback. The value of the services is measured by the reflection of your experience. All comments are private and confidential and reviewed weekly. Our doors are open Monday-Friday, if you’d like to meet with me directly. Thank you for choosing the YMCA of Northeastern Ontario, for your employment and settlement needs.
Karen Makela
General Manager
Phone: 705-674-2324 ext.3233
Email: karen.makela@ymcaneo.ca