YMCA Employment Services
The YMCA of Northeastern Ontario Employment Services is committed to providing access to meaningful job opportunities and helping employers find ideal job candidates.
Whether you are looking for entry-level work or for a more senior role, finding a job is not always easy. YMCA Employment Services offers employment programs and services to support you through this process. Our experienced staff will work with you to help you build skills, find work, and connect with the community.
Employers can also work with qualified job specialists to access an array of programs, including subsidies, to enhance workforce development.
Contact us today at 705-674-2324 or email us at employment-info@ymcaneo.ca.
Our Commitment to YOU:
The YMCA of Northeastern Ontario’s Employment Services is highly committed to you and to our community. When working with our team and with our services, you can expect:
- A confidential, timely, reliable, individualized and accessible service
- You will work with knowledgeable professionals who are courteous and approachable, who offer a multilingual service
- A connection to a myriad of programs within the association, to help better support you on your journey
What our staff has to say……
“At YMCA NEO, helping people is what we do best. It is a privilege to be part of someone’s story or journey. Helping our clients achieve their employment/education goals and watching them make meaningful changes to their lives is the best part of the job.” – Kary M. Employment Placement Consultant, Ontario Disability Support Program
“Having always had a strong passion in working with the youth in my community, I knew that the YMCA Employment Services would allow me the opportunity to do just that! Being an agent of change in the lives of the youth that enter our amazing YJC program is inspiring and truly satisfying. Being a safe space where anyone can come and seek assistance and guidance, is one of the many reasons why I would recommend the YMCA Employment Services”.- Jessica B. Employment Trainer/Facilitator, Youth Job Connection Program
Suggestion Box: Your input makes us better!
We want your feedback! The value of the YMCA’s services is measured by the reflection of your experience. You can rest assured that your comments are kept private and confidential and reviewed weekly by the Leadership team. You can email me directly or drop by to meet in person. Our doors are open for you throughout the week, Monday 8:00am-4:30pm and Tuesday 8:00am – 7:00pm. Thank you for choosing the YMCA of Northeastern Ontario for your service needs.
Nancy Rivest
General Manager
Phone: 705-674-2324 ext. 3248
Email: nancy.rivest@ymcaneo.ca
Ontario Employment Services Web Portal is a gateway to employment programs offered across the province in almost 900 locations (available in both English and French). Information is also available from the Ontario Employment Ontario hotline 1-800-387-5656.