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YMCA John Island Camp Alumni & Friends Bursary

As a part of YMCA of Northeastern Ontario’s charitable purpose, we are continuously working to make camp more financial affordable for all.

The YMCA John Island Camp Alumni and Friends Bursary will be available to eligible campers who have demonstrated both an interest and the ability to become a camp counsellor. High quality candidates are a critical success factor for a superior camper experience. Eligible bursary applicants will have shown superior initiative and participation in camp life and activities and in becoming a member of the camp staff. Applicants will be evaluated on their camp involvement, understanding of camp goals and demonstrated leadership potential.

To apply to the YMCA John Island Camp Alumni and Friends Bursary, an application form must be submitted with supporting documents. Eligibility is determined following a review of the candidates prior involvement with YMCA John Island Camp or other overnight camp, 2 letters of reference, an essay outlining why you want to be a camp leader which demonstrates understanding of the value and responsibilities of camp counsellors.

Eligible applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • be between the ages of 13 and 16
  • be enrolled in a John Island Camp Leadership Program (Explorer Canoe, Prospectors Jr., Prospectors Sr., Greenway, or Norquay)
  • have been a camper at John Island Camp or other overnight camps
  • demonstrate commitment to YMCA values – be an active community volunteer

Applications must be received by February 1, 2025


The YMCA John Island Camp Alumni & Friends Bursary would not be possible without the incredible generosity of our alumni and friends of the camp.

Please consider giving today.


Our staff are here to answer your questions!
At any time, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at 705-674-6171 or 800-465-9622 (toll free in Canada)

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